Food and Nutrition
Foods to be taken
Beans, nuts and seeds
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
- Green tea
Foods to be avoided
Junk food (fried and high calorie foods)
Sugary foods
Yoga and Exercise
Get light, gentle exercise regularly. Stretching is a good beginning exercise. Light aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming or riding a bicycle or stationary bike can also be helpful.
Massage therapy
A structured exercise programme called graded exercise therapy watch video
Balasana (child pose) watch video
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge pose) watch video
Janu Sirsasana watch video
- Viparita karani watch video
Music and Meditation
Meditation – Pay attention on breath going in and out of the body, for periods of 20 to 45 minutes.
- Acupuncture also helps in treating CFS.
Home Remedies
Keep a diary for a week or so and record the times of day when you have energy and when you are tired.
Drinking lots of water and staying well hydrated.
Improve your sleep habits. Go to bed only when you are sleepy, and get up at the same time every day, regardless of whether you feel rested.
Avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco before bed.
Get light, gentle exercise regularly.
Medication to control pain, nausea and sleeping problems.