Varicose Veins – Symptoms – Varicose veins look dark blue, swollen, and twisted under the skin.. Varicose Veins – Causes – Varicose veins are very common in the people who do occupation which requires long hours of standing (e.g. bus conductor, farmer, and labour). .
Category: Disease Facts
Tinea Corporis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Tinea Corporis – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Whole Grains, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils (Olive Oil, Coconut Oil),
Tinea Corporis: Prevention and Complications
Tinea Corporis – Prevention – Wash hands after handling animals, soil, and plants, Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes and do not share clothes, Keep skin dry.
Tinea Corporis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Tinea corporis is a superficial fungal infection of the arms and legs, in between the toes, especially on glabrous skin; however, it may occur on any part of the body..
Tinea Corporis: Symptom and Causes
Tinea Corporis – Symptoms – Itching, The rash begins as a small area of red, raised spots and pimples, Ring-shaped, with a red-colored, raised border and a clearer center. Tinea Corporis – Causes – Tinea corporis is caused by a tiny fungus known as dermatophyte..
Tinea Pedis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Tinea Pedis – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits that are rich in vitamin C are especially beneficial as they strengthen immune system. Ensure an adequate supply of protein through foods such as chicken, eggs and dairy products. These help in regulating metabolism and also help in healing and tissue repair.
Tinea Pedis: Prevention and Complications
Tinea Pedis – Prevention – Keep the feet dry, Using cotton socks designed to remove moisture, Change socks frequently, Avoid tight, closed-toe shoes. Moisture and heat cause the athletes foot fungus to thrive..
Tinea Pedis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Tinea pedis commonly known as athletes foot is a very common skin condition that affects the sole of the foot and the skin between the toes..
Tinea Pedis: Symptom and Causes
Tinea Pedis – Symptoms – Itching, Burning, Pain, Scaling and flaking. Tinea Pedis – Causes – bacteria and fungi.
Rubella: Symptom and Causes
Rubella Symptoms – Appearance of rash on the face which spreads to the trunk and limbs and usually fades after three days. Fever less than 1100 F , Swollen glands, Joint pain. Rubella Causes – Rubella is caused by a virus..