Elephantiasis – Prevention – Use mosquito nets and insect repellant creams. Use medications to prevent the spread of the disease. Wear long sleeves and trousers..
Category: Disease Facts
Cholera: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Cholera Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Food to be taken: Coconut water to get rid of dehydration, Plenty of fluids like (fruit juices, water, soda etc.), Properly cooked food,
Cholera: Prevention and Complications
Cholera Prevention – Be hygienic, Avoid contaminated areas and junk food, Drink pure and safe boiled water, Eat properly cooked food.
Cholera: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Cholera is an infection of the small intestine that causes a large amount of watery diarrhoea.Cholera occurs in places with poor sanitation, war, famine, crowding..
Cholera: Symptom and Causes
Cholera Symptoms – • Watery diarrhoea• Vomiting• Dehydration• Abdominal cramps. Cholera Causes – Vibrio cholerae (bacteria).
Alopecia: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Alopecia Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like the Indian salmon and low-fat dairy are great boosters for healthy hair.: Biotin can cause brittle hair and may lead to hair loss. Include biotin rich foods such as whole grains, egg yolk, soy flour, chard, romaine lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes. Hair is made of protein, ensure you have enough protein in your diet which is crucial for making hair strong and healthy. Choose chicken, fish, dairy products and eggs as excellent sources of protein along with vegetarian sources such as legumes and nuts. Iron is an important mineral for hair and too little iron (anaemia) is a major cause of hair loss. Lentils, spinach and other leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, kale and salad greens are rich sources of iron.
Alopecia: Prevention and Complications
Alopecia Prevention – Eat healthy, well-balanced mealsStress-management techniques.
Alopecia: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Alopecia is the general medical term for hair loss. Hair often grows back but may fall out again. Sometimes the hair loss lasts for many years.Alopecia is not contagious. The immune system attacks the hair follicles (structures that contain the roots of the hair), causing hair loss. Types of hair loss and symptoms The common type of hair loss is male-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is typically caused by the effects of hormones. This is also termed androgenic or androgenetic alopecia as the cause lies in androgens of male sex hormones. There is a pattern of receding hairline along with thinning of hair over the crown. Female pattern baldness- there is thinning of hair over the top of the head. Alopecia areata- this is also termed patchy baldness as there are patches of baldness that come and go. This may commonly affect teenagers and young adults but may affect a person of any age. Alopecia areata is commonly caused due to a problem in the immune system. The condition may sometimes run in families. Scarring alopecia- this is mainly caused after a scar over the skin. This type of alopecia is called cicatricial alopecia. The hair follicles that hold the roots of the hair may be completely destroyed. This means that the hair would not grow back at the areas affected. Anagen effluvium is a more widespread hair loss that may affect the whole body apart from the scalp. This is caused most commonly due to cancer chemotherapy. Telogen effluvium – leads to thinning of hair all over the body rather than baldness in patches. This may be the result of stress of some medications.
Alopecia: Symptom and Causes
Alopecia Symptoms – Thinning or complete loss of hair especially on the top of the head, Broken hairs, or hairs easily removed, Bald patches. Alopecia Causes – Aging, Genetics, Illness, Some medications, such as chemotherapy, Malnutrition.
Pharyngitis: Prevention and Complications
Pharyngitis Prevention – Wash your hands regularly with soap (be hygienic), Avoid sharing personal items, Avoid smoking.