Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder characterized by less haemoglobin and fewer red blood cells in your body than normal..
Category: Disease Facts
Tetanus: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Tetanus Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Liquid foods: Since the condition of the jaw does not allow ingestion of whole foods, it is essential to ensure that the diet plan has food in liquid form. Stimulants: A healthy diet to aid in the treatment of tetanus may include certain varieties of alcohol administered at hourly or two-hour intervals. Stimulants such as whiskey, wine, and brandy can be given to reduce convulsions and other involuntary muscle contractions. Foods rich in magnesium: It helps in relaxing the locked jaw muscles and relieves the pain and inflammation. Foods like avocados, flax seeds, corn, oatmeals, curd and pumpkin etc.
Tetanus: Prevention and Complications
Tetanus Prevention – Vaccination (DPT).
Tetanus: Symptom and Causes
Tetanus Symptoms – Headache, Chills, Jaw cramping, Muscle spasms, Difficulty in swallowing, Seizures, Fever and sweating. Tetanus Causes – Bacteria by the name Clostridium tetani..
Tetanus: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Tetanus is bacterial disease characterized by prolonged contraction of skeletal muscle fibres..
Stress: Prevention and Complications
Stress Prevention – Try not to get into situations that make you feel angry or upset, Get adequate amounts of sleep, Regular exercise, Think positively, Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet.
Stress: Symptom and Causes
Stress Symptoms – Negative or depressive feeling, Confusion, indecision, Changes in regular activities, Loneliness, Poor memory. Stress Causes – Major life changes, Financial problems, Unrealistic expectations, Inability to accept uncertainty.
Stress: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Stress Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Oat meal, Crabs, Oranges,
Stress: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Stress is a normal physical response to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium. Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to. When you are stressed, your body responds as though you are in danger. Some stress is normal and even useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react quickly. But if stress happens too often or lasts too long, it can have bad effects.
Smoking: Prevention and Complications
Smoking Prevention – Promote compliance and support adequate enforcement of federal, state and local tobacco laws..