Cold is a notorious and annoying visitor during Winters. It spoils the fun of the winter and spoils the mood! Here are some tips on battling the cold. Fighting symptoms of cold If you already have a blocked nose and bad throat: Watch out for fever. Low grade fever is typical of viral-infection and plenty of rest and warm fluids
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The best treatment for earaches is olive oil, which works as a lubricant and helps get rid of ear infections. Put 3 or 4 drops of lukewarm olive oil into the ear canal. The oil will cause the wax to soften, which can then be removed with cotton swabs. Do not put the cotton swabs too far into the ear!
Pediatric Throat Infection – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Bananas, chicken soup, lemon juice and honey mixture, Scrambled eggs or egg whites, Ginger or honey tea,
Pediatric Throat Infection – Prevention – Hand washing with alcohol based hand rubs helps in disinfecting hands easily, Use tissues to cover the mouth when sneezing or coughing.
Pediatric Throat Infection – Symptoms – Fever, chills, rashes, headache, Red and white patches near throat area, Swallowing difficulty. Pediatric Throat Infection – Causes – Viral and bacterial infections..
Strep throat is the inflammation in the back of the throat, the tonsils and sometimes the adenoids. .
Pediatric Sinusitis – Prevention – Influenza vaccination each year, Wash your hands often, particularly after shaking hands with others, Intake of plenty of fluids to increase moisture in body.
When the sinuses become infected, inflamed, and swell, that condition is called sinusitis (or a sinus infection). .
Pediatric Sinusitis – Symptoms – Bad breath or loss of smell, Cough often worse at night, Fever, Headache. Pediatric Sinusitis – Causes – The infection occurs due to virus, bacteria or fungus..
Pediatric Sinusitis – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken Following foods can reduce and prevent the inflammation: Plenty of warm fluids and soups, Omega 3fatty acids present in fishes are beneficial, Tart cherries and turmeric,