Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

Allergic Rhinitis is a reaction that occurs in the nose when airborne irritants (allergens) trigger the release of histamine in the immune system..

Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis: Symptom and Causes

Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis – Symptoms – Nasal congestion, Sneezing, Watery discharge, Frequent sore throats. Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis – Causes – Tree house pollenDust mitesMold or fungusAnimal dander.

Ankyloglossia: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

The terms ‘ankyloglossia’, ‘short fraenum’, ‘short fraenulum’, or ‘tongue tie’ is a common congenital anomaly that is usually detected soon after birth. It is characterized by partial fusion-or in rare cases, total fusion-of the tongue to floor of the mouth due to an abnormality of the lingual frenulum. It is a condition where your child’s tongue does not move as freely as it should. The tongue is connected to the floor of the mouth by a thin piece of tissue called the frenulum. With ankyloglossia, your child’s frenulum may be shorter, thicker, or tighter than it should be.

Ankyloglossia: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Ankyloglossia Yoga And Exercise – The Side Swipe- Insert your finger under the child’s tongue, as far back as you can reach. Sweep side to side.
, The Tongue Lift- Insert your finger, pad down, under the infant’s tongue. Push it as far back as you can. Then lift up, as far as you can. Hold for a few seconds.
, Try to stretch the tongue up towards your nose, then down towards your chin. 
, Ankyloglossia Meditation –

Dysphagia: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

Oropharyngeal dysphagia (or high dysphagia). In this type the problem arises in the mouth and/or throat. This is a neurological disorder and is the more difficult type. Oesophageal dysphagia (or low dysphagia). In this case, the problem lies in the oesophagus. In many cases, this is caused by a blockage, restriction or irritation. Minor cases of this type of dysphagia can be easily treated.

Dysphagia: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Dysphagia Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods which can be allowed during dysphagia include soft cooked vegetables, soft and canned fruits, bread, hot cereal, ready-to-eat cereal soaked in milk, canned fruit, soft cooked vegetables, juice, scrambled eggs, ground meat, cooked beans, cooked peas, cottage cheese, yogurt, custards, puddings, cream soups, cookies without nuts and noodles.
, Avoid tough meats, nuts, seeds, sticky breads, tough chewy meats and hard vegetables