Galactorrhea Yoga And Exercise – Galactorrhea Meditation –
Category: Growth & Age-Related
Galactorrhea: Prevention and Complications
Galactorrhea Prevention – Avoid tight dressing, Do not illicit drugs.
Lumbar Spondylosis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Lumbar Spondylosis is a medical term used to describe common, age-related degeneration in in the joints of the lumbar vertebrae (lower back)..
Lumbar Spondylosis: Symptom and Causes
Lumbar Spondylosis – Symptoms – Pain in lower back, pins and needles.. Lumbar Spondylosis – Causes – Life style, repeated strain and injury and age..
Lumbar Spondylosis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Lumbar Spondylosis – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Eat plenty of vegetable salads, fresh fruits, whole grain cereals, beans, brown rice, yoghurt, skimmed milk, baked potato, banana, apple, dates, fig, garlic, sesame seeds, and fenugreek. Low-fat, high-fibre and low-protein diet would be the best. Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C are recommended.
, Raw vegetables like tomato, carrot, cabbage, cucumber, radish, lettuce, cauliflower, spinach and fresh fruits eaten help in relieving pain.
, Vegetables that taste bitter, such as neem leaves and flowers, bitter gourd and drum sticks are known to provide relief from spondylosis.
Lumbar Spondylosis: Prevention and Complications
Lumbar Spondylosis – Prevention – Develop a healthy fitness routine, Lose weight, Eat healthy food.
Keratoconjunjunctivitis: Prevention and Complications
Keratoconjunjunctivitis Prevention – Avoid excessively dry environments, Avoid exposing to dusty and smoky areas, Avoid prolonged visual tasks, Avoid becoming dehydrated drink plenty of water.
Keratoconjunjunctivitis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is a condition in which the membranes on the surface of the eye known as the conjunctiva become red and inflamed because of insufficient tears to lubricate and nourish the eye. .
Keratoconjunjunctivitis: Symptom and Causes
Keratoconjunjunctivitis Symptoms – The sensation of a burning, itching, or foreign body in the eye, Sensitivity to light, Redness or irritation of conjunctiva. Keratoconjunjunctivitis Causes – Age, Gender- women are more likely to develop dry eyes due to hormonal changes, Medications like antihistamines, decongestants, blood pressure medications and antidepressants.
Keratoconjunjunctivitis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Keratoconjunjunctivitis Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Dry eye syndrome is often improved by simply drinking more water, Essential fatty acid nutrients are responsible for producing both the watery and the oily aqueous layers of the tear film. The best food sources of essential fatty acids are fish oil and cold-water fish, such as salmon, halibut, sardines and tuna. Other good sources include flax seed oil and flax seeds. Consume antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables like Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, guava, papaya and oranges .Vegetables: Carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, capsicums, beans, artichokes, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables etc. are good source of antioxidants.