Jaundice: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview

Jaundice is yellowing of the skin and eyes. A medical condition in which too much bilirubin (hyperbilirubinemia) a yellow pigment produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin from red blood cells  is circulating in the blood. The excess bilirubin causes the skin, eyes, and mucus membranes in the mouth to turn a yellowish color.

Jaundice: Symptom and Causes

Jaundice Symptoms – The most pervasive sign of jaundice is a yellow tinge to the skin and sclerae (whites of the eyes). This usually starts at the head and spreads down the body. . Jaundice Causes – Jaundice occurs if there is a dysfunction of the normal metabolism or excretion of bilirubin..

Jaundice: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Jaundice Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Fresh vegetable juices (beet root, radish, carrot and spinach), fruit juices (orange, pear, grapes and lemons) and vegetable broth. Fresh fruits, like apples, pineapples, grapes, pears, oranges, bananas, papaya. Pineapple in particular is very effective. Barley water, Coconut water are very effective to cure jaundice,

Jaundice: Prevention and Complications

Jaundice Prevention – Jaundice is related to the function of the liver, so it is essential that you maintain this vital organs health by eating a balanced diet, exercising at least 30 minutes five times a week, and refraining from exceeding recommended amounts of alcohol..

Tinea Capitis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Tinea Capitis – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken Foods to be avoided: Grains, rice, pasta, beans, breads, dairy products, sweet drinks and juices. Fresh vegetables and fresh fruits should be taken. Fired, spicy, sour and excessive sweet foods, Citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange), chutneys, sauces, pickled food, mustard and vinegar,

Pruritus Vulva: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Pruritus Vulva – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken Foods to be avoided: Drink lots of water and eat fermented foods such as probiotic yogurt, Include seasonal fruits, salads, sprouts, vegetables, soups or buttermilk, All processed, refined and denatured foods such as white sugar, white flour and all products made from them,