Anosmia Symptoms – Loss of sense of smell, Reduced sense of smell, Impaired sense of taste. Anosmia Causes – Nasal or sinus surgery or disease, Natural aging , Upper respiratory tract infection, Radiation treatment.
Category: Lifestyle
Anosmia: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Anosmia is the partial or complete loss of the sense of smell. Anosmia is usually not serious. But it can have a profound effect on a persons quality of life. People with Anosmia may not be able to taste foods. They may lose interest in eating. This can lead to weight loss or malnutrition. People with Anosmia may also become depressed because they are not able to smell or taste pleasurable foods.
Angina Pectoris: Prevention and Complications
Angina Pectoris – Prevention – Stop smoking and using nicotine in any form, Control high blood pressure, Lower blood fats.
Angina Pectoris: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Angina Pectoris – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Fruits and vegetables
, Fibre rich foods
, Whole grains
Angina Pectoris: Symptom and Causes
Angina Pectoris – Symptoms – Chest pain or discomfort, Pain in your arms, Nausea, Fatigue. Angina Pectoris – Causes – Cigarette smoking, Medical conditions (diabetes, hypertension, obesity etc.), Physical activity, Prolonged psychological stress.
Angina Pectoris: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
A condition marked by severe pain in the chest, often also spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck, owing to an inadequate blood supply to the heart. The most common symptom of heart disease is angina or angina pectoris or simply chest pain. Angina can be described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful feeling due to heart disease. Men are at higher risk than women. There are various types of angina like stable, unstable, Printzmetals (variant) etc.
Alcoholism: Prevention and Complications
Alcoholism Prevention – Avoid going to pubs and bars. Avoid smoking. Practise saying no to alcohol in social situations. Avoid alcoholic friends..
Alcoholism: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Alcoholism Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Amino acid rich foods like seafood, dairy products, sunflower seeds, banana etc.
, Vitamins
, Fruit juices
Alcoholism: Symptom and Causes
Alcoholism Symptoms – Sweating, Nausea and vomiting, Insomnia, Depression, Irritability. Alcoholism Causes – Genetic predisposition, Environment, Mental health.
Alcoholism: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Alcoholism is a broad term for problems associated with alcohol. It is specifically an addictive illness..