Pediatric GERD: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Pediatric GERD – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be given: Breads and grains, Fruits and vegetables (apples, bananas, grapes, melons, pears, plums, leafy greens, cucumbers, green beans, cauliflower, potatoes), All children less than two years of age should be drinking whole milk and eating full fat dairy products. Consult with your physician if your child does not tolerate full fat dairy products.

Ambylopia: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Ambylopia Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: The nutrients found in leafy, green vegetables such as kale and broccoli can help improve eyesight.
, Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is believed to help protect your eyes from sun damage.
, Vitamin C is critical in helping maintain a healthy set of eyes. Citrus fruits such as oranges, mangoes, lemons and grapefruit are rich in Vitamin C.