Alopecia: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Food and Nutrition

Foods to be taken
An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like the Indian salmon and low-fat dairy are great boosters for healthy hair.
  • Biotin can cause brittle hair and may lead to hair loss. Include biotin rich foods such as whole grains, egg yolk, soy flour, chard, romaine lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes.
  • Hair is made of protein, ensure you have enough protein in your diet which is crucial for making hair strong and healthy. Choose chicken, fish, dairy products and eggs as excellent sources of protein along with vegetarian sources such as legumes and nuts.
  • Iron is an important mineral for hair and too little iron (anaemia) is a major cause of hair loss.  Lentils, spinach and other leafy green vegetables such as broccoli, kale and salad greens are rich sources of iron.
  • Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen that strengthens the capillaries that supply the hair shafts. The best sources are blackcurrants, blueberries, broccoli, guava, kiwi fruits, oranges, papaya, strawberries and sweet potatoes.
  • Vitamin A is needed by the body to make sebum (oily substance created by our hairs sebaceous glands and provides a natural conditioner for a healthy scalp). Include animal products and orange/yellow coloured vegetables which are high in beta-carotene (which makes vitamin A) such as carrots, pumpkins and sweet potatoes.
  • A lack of zinc can lead to hair loss and a dry, flaky scalp. Fortified cereals and whole grains are a good source of zinc along with oysters, beef and eggs.
Foods to be avoided
  • Animal fat, especially meat
  • Acidic food and other substances that trigger off inflammation
  • Milk and dairy products
  • Sweets and other sugary foods
  • Refined foods, like bakery items
  • Fried, oily and greasy food

Yoga and Exercise

Exercises are hypothesized to reduce stress levels in individual because of the release of endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals released by our brains which bind to our neuro receptors to give us pain relief, to enhance our immune system and to reduce stress.
Jogging, swimming, cycling, are some which can increase your bodys production of endorphins.

Therapeutic massage increases circulation (helping bring more blood to the scalp) and reduces stress. Scalp massage using essential oils of rosemary, lavender, thyme, and cedarwood may help increase circulation.

Some of the yoga asanas to reduce hair loss include
  • Makarasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Matyasana
  • Dhanurasana

Home Remedies

  • Cut down on the use of hair spray, hair gels, and styling creams that contain harsh chemical ingredients, which can dry out the scalp and cause the formation of flakes. Also harsh treatments such as perms, colours, relaxers etc take a toll on the health of your hair.
  • Avoid changing your shampoo and conditioner constantly. Stick to one good mild cleansing shampoo for six months before changing.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun, pollution, rain water and dust without proper protection makes the hair dry, brittle and limp. Use a live in conditioner during the rains to protect it from the humidity and wash and oil it regularly to maintain a healthy scalp.
  • Handle your hair gently, allowing it to air-dry whenever possible.
  • Chop the onion into fine pieces and squeeze the juice out. Apply to the scalp and leave on for about 15 minutes; then rinse with a mild shampoo. This is one type of home remedy which reduces hair loss.

AA, spot baldness, autoimmune disease, hair loss, hair follicles, telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium, scarring alopecia, alopecia areata, female pattern baldness, male pattern baldness, bald patch, hair fall, hair breakage, Alopecia dos & donts, Alopecia nutrition plan, foods to avoid for Alopecia,