Food and Nutrition
Foods to be taken
Whole grain foods
Sea weeds
Tryptophan and magnesium rich foods (oats, soy, sesame etc.)
- Fruits and vegetables
Foods to be avoided
Fried foods
Dairy products
Sugary foods
Acid forming foods
Yoga and Exercise
Swimming, biking, running may help in reducing the causes
A regular practice of pranayama can help free the mind of the unnecessary clutter of thoughts that breed anxiety
Sukhasana (Easy Pose) watch video
Marjaryasana (Cat Pose) watch video
- Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose) watch video
Music and Meditation
Meditation can be an excellent technique to relax a distracted mind and give a sense of calm and peace. It can also help you not worry too much or get anxious of the unknown future.Home Remedies
Keep physically active
Use relaxation techniques
Eat healthy food
Make sleep a priority