Keratoconjunjunctivitis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Food and Nutrition

Foods to be taken
  • Dry eye syndrome is often improved by simply drinking more water
  • Essential fatty acid nutrients are responsible for producing both the watery and the oily aqueous layers of the tear film. The best food sources of essential fatty acids are fish oil and cold-water fish, such as salmon, halibut, sardines and tuna. Other good sources include flax seed oil and flax seeds.
  • Consume antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables like Strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, guava, papaya and oranges .Vegetables: Carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, capsicums, beans, artichokes, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables etc. are good source of antioxidants.
  • Potassium is usually very low in patients with dry eye. The best food sources of potassium include kelp, dulse, wheat germ, almonds, pecans, bananas, raisins, dates, figs and avocados.
  • Zinc is a factor in the metabolic function of several enzymes in the vascular coating of the eye, A few good food sources of zinc include brewers yeast, dulse, fish, kelp, legumes, liver, mushrooms, sunflower seeds and whole grains.
Foods to be avoided
  • Refined and processed foods, high fat and sugary foods

Yoga and Exercise

  • Focus change exercise- Hold one finger two inches away from your eyes. Focus on that finger as you move it away from your face slowly. Now, focus far into the distance for a few seconds and then back to the finger. Slowly bring the finger back to within 2 inches of the eye. Finish by staring at something in the distance for a few seconds.
  • Raise the eyes upward diagonally to the right. Then, stretch them diagonally downward to the left. Continue this motion back and forth ten times or more.
  • Yawning produces tears, naturally. As you yawn, you squeeze the lacrimal ducts in the eyes, inducing moisture. Try yawning a few times when your eyes are feeling particularly dry.
  • Eye pushups are a great way to activate your tear ducts and relieve dry, strained eyes. Start by staring at a far away object for about 20 seconds. Then, gaze at something much nearer to you for 20 seconds. Go back and forth with this for at least 5 minutes.
  • Close your eyes or squeeze them shut occasionally when you do not need to see.
Trakata, a form of yogic eye exercise and meditation, is a technique that is specifically intended to improve eye lubrication. Sit and relax your body and get into a comfortable position. Light a candle and place it on the floor in front of you. Lower your eyelids slightly, so that you are looking at the candle through half-open eyes. Gaze at the candle without blinking, until your eyes begin to water. Do this for as long as you can every day. The optimal time to perform this exercise is in the early morning or before bedtime.

Home Remedies

  • Apply a warm washcloth to your eyes. Gently rub the washcloth over your eyelids to loosen any debris
  • Purposefully blink more often. Rest your eyes once in a while
  • Increase the level of humidity in the air at work and at home
  • Wear sunglasses outdoors, particularly those with wrap around frame design, to reduce exposure to drying winds and sun
  • Gently massage your closed eyes by rolling your little finger in a circular motion

eye inflammation, inflammation of cornea, conjunctiva, keratitis, keraconjunctivitis sicca, conjunctivitis, Keratoconjunjunctivitis dos & donts, Keratoconjunjunctivitis nutrition plan, foods to avoid for Keratoconjunjunctivitis,