Tinea Corporis: Prevention and Complications

Prevention Tips

  • Wash hands after handling animals, soil, and plants
  • Wear loose-fitting cotton clothes and do not share clothes
  • Keep skin dry
  • Do not share towels, hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories, or other personal care items
  • Clean sinks, bathtubs, and bathroom floors well after using
  • Do not use a bandage over ringworm

Watch Out

Blisters and pus-filled sores

When to See Doctor

Consult a doctor if you experience symptoms like
  • Red, raised spots and pimples
  • Severe itching 

Ringworm, tinea circinata, tinea glabrosa, glabrous skin, fungal infection, red rings, Tinea Corporis when to go to hospital, Tinea Corporis when to seek medical care, Tinea Corporis when to get help,