Homemade Antiseptic Tips

garlic,high blood pressure,anti ageing,antiseptic

Garlic is a very powerful antiseptic. It helps to delay aging and restores tissue and It also reduces high blood pressure.

antioxidant food,home remedy,antiseptic

Cloves are known to have antioxidant, anti-septic, local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, rubefacient (warming and soothing), carminative and anti-flatulent properties.

home remedy,apple,burns,antiseptic

The astringent and antiseptic properties in vinegar can be very helpful in treating minor burns and preventing infection. Dilute white vinegar or apple cider vinegar in an equal amount of water. Use the solution to rinse the burned area.

turmeric health,antioxidant food,anti inflamatory,antiseptic

Turmeric has antiseptic properties that help kill the bacteria that cause pimples and prevent pimples from forming. It is also a good antioxidant, which helps treat pimples and the inflammation caused by them.