Pediatric Asthma – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be given: Whole grains, Soups, Fruits and vegetables,
Tag: allergy
Pediatric Asthma : Prevention and Complications
Pediatric Asthma – Prevention – Avoid triggers causing asthma, Avoid cold environments, Maintain smoke free zone.
Pediatric Asthma : Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Asthma is a condition that affects a persons airways, which are also called breathing tubes or bronchial tubes and alveoli. Breathing can be a lot more difficult in kids with asthma because their airways are very sensitive.Asthma is a common long-term condition that can be effectively controlled in most children.
Pediatric Asthma : Symptom and Causes
Pediatric Asthma – Symptoms – Breathlessness, Wheezing, Coughing, Chest tightness. Pediatric Asthma – Causes – Airway and chest infections (cold, flu), Family history of asthma, Smoking, Dust and dust mites.
Pediatric Urticaria: Prevention and Complications
Pediatric Urticaria – Prevention – Prevent hives by identifying and avoiding the particular substance that triggered the skin reaction..
Pediatric Urticaria: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Urticaria commonly called hives are red raised bumps (pink spots with pale centers) or welts on the skin. .
Pediatric Urticaria: Symptom and Causes
Pediatric Urticaria – Symptoms – Raised pink bumps with pale centers (welts), Red, raised, itchy rash on the skin, Burning sensation. Pediatric Urticaria – Causes – Hives are generally caused by an allergic reaction..
Pediatric Urticaria: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Pediatric Urticaria – Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Fresh fruits and vegetables, Fish, eggs, buttermilk, processed meats, chocolate, peanuts, citrus fruits, strawberries artificial food colorings,
Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis: Prevention and Complications
Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis – Prevention – Identification and elimination of dust, mite, allergens, Avoidance of pollens, Provide good ventilation.
Pediatric Allergic Rhinitis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Allergic Rhinitis is a reaction that occurs in the nose when airborne irritants (allergens) trigger the release of histamine in the immune system..