Meningitis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Meningitis Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Vitamin rich food
, Fruits and vegetables
, Watermelon, grapefruit, cantaloupes, papaya, broccoli, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, cabbage and dark green leafy vegetables

Computer Vision Syndrome: Prevention and Complications

Computer Vision Syndrome – Prevention – Regular eye examinations and proper viewing habits can help to prevent or reduce the development of the symptoms associated with Computer Vision Syndrome..

Computer Vision Syndrome: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies

Computer Vision Syndrome – Yoga And Exercise – If you regularly experience symptoms such as eye strain, blurred vision, headaches, increased sensitivity to bright light, tired eyes, or difficulty sustaining attention, you can do certain eye exercises like:
, Blinking every three or four seconds for about a minute helps reduce eye strain by clearing the cornea and allowing the eyes to rest.
, Palming the eyes- This is achieved by lightly pressing three fingers from each hand against the upper eyelids for a couple of seconds, then releasing. Repeat this process at least five times helps relieve tension accumulated in the ciliary muscles of the eye.
, Computer Vision Syndrome – Meditation –

Computer Vision Syndrome: Symptom and Causes

Computer Vision Syndrome – Symptoms – Dry, irritated, strained, burning eyes, Redness of eyes, Headaches, Fatigue (extreme tiredness), Double vision, Loss of focus. Computer Vision Syndrome – Causes – Computer vision syndrome occurs, if you work for long hours on the computer without proper ergonomics and not taking frequent breaks..