A report by NGO CSE said that nearly 84 per cent of 38 commonly available brands of pre-packaged breads tested positive for potassium bromate and potassium iodate, banned in many countries as they are listed as “hazardous” for public health.
Tag: thyroid
Thyroiditis: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
Thyroiditis is the medical term for inflammation (swelling) of the thyroid gland, which can either cause abnormally low or high levels of thyroid hormones in the blood..
Thyroiditis: Symptom and Causes
Thyroiditis Symptoms – Enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing pain in the front of the neck. Thyroiditis Causes – Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, such as mumps and influenza.
Thyroiditis: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Thyroiditis Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: Nutrients rich in iodine, selenium, zinc, magnesium and vitamin A are all responsible for the body’s ability to manufacture thyroid hormones.
, Selenium can be found in Brazil nuts, cod and mustard seeds
, Pumpkin and sesame seeds are good sources of both magnesium
Thyroiditis: Prevention and Complications
Thyroiditis Prevention – Stop smoking, Reduce stress, Exercise daily and maintain fit conditions, Avoid drinking fluoridated water.
Goiter: Prevention and Complications
Goiter Prevention – Use iodized salt..
Goiter: Treatment, Diet and Home Remedies
Goiter Treatment Using Home Remedies, Yoga, And Diet – Foods to be taken: One who is inflicted with goitre should consume plenty of the following foods: Old rice, barley, garlic, moong dal, patola, drumstick, cucumber, and sugarcane juice, milk and milk products.
, Oats, seafood, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, garlic, whole rice, onions, guavas, eggs (yolk) and citric fruits, as they are high in iron.
, Pineapples or pineapple juice.
Goiter: Symptom and Causes
Goiter Symptoms – Difficulty swallowing or breathing, Coughing, Hoarseness in your voice, Tight feeling in your throat, Dizziness. Goiter Causes – Iodine deficiency , Autoimmune disease, Pregnancy and menopause, Genetics.
Goiter: Meaning, Diagnosis and Overview
A goitre (sometimes spelt "goiter") is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland that causes a lump to form in the throat..
Hypothyroidism: Prevention and Complications
Hypothyroidism Prevention – Stop smoking, Reduce stress, Exercise daily and maintain fit conditions, Drink filtered water.